Bilbao vintage: the best second-hand clothing stores

These are the best second-hand clothing stores in Bilbao, so you can find exclusive pieces with your own style
Bilbao vintage: the best second-hand clothing stores

Bilbao has a wide variety of second-hand clothing stores, ideal for those looking for unique, sustainable and affordable clothing.

Buying second-hand clothes not only allows you to save money, there are those who follow a sustainable or environmental philosophy of life, and want to contribute to reducing the environmental impact generated by the production of clothing. Let's not leave fashion aside, since it allows you to have clothes with a unique style. Additionally, some enjoy the creativity of remaking clothing to make new creations.

There are several reasons why buying second-hand clothes can be a good alternative. If you are looking for shops, here is our list of the best shops in Bilbao.

  1. Koopera Store
  2. Flamingos Vintage Kilo Bilbao
  3. Emmaus
  4. Vintage Pura Madre

Koopera Store

It is an organization dedicated to the inclusion of people who are at risk, to help them reintegrate. They offer a training service, so that they can train in various areas. It has collaborating companies so that students can do their internships and go out into the world of work again.

It has a reuse and recycling center, where the garments are put in condition for sale, and from there they go to the stores. The prices are affordable, it is a form of conscious purchasing to generate work, recycled, sustainable and at low cost.

Flamingos Vintage Kilo Bilbao

Founded by two friends, they offer unique and quality clothing from different decades, including American brands and a selection of local designers. Its focus on selling clothing by the kilo allows you to enjoy pieces with history and your own style. You can buy clothing, it is weighed and you pay in proportion to its weight, you do not need to complete the kilo.

You can make your purchases in their physical store or in their online store, and for your convenience they can even send it to your home, and it also has a clothing return policy.


Emmaus is an international organization dedicated to working to help and rehabilitate people in situations of social exclusion, through the promotion of employment and training. The organization was founded in France and has expanded its activities worldwide, including countries such as Spain, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil, among others.

He has developed a wide variety of projects and activities, including second-hand clothing stores. It has a collection service for the garments, they are treated for reuse, then you find them in the stores.

Vintage Pura Madre

It is a clothing brand that is dedicated to rescuing, designing and transforming selected garments with creative criteria. The founder wants Pura Madre to be more than a brand, but a paradigm shift, a philosophy of life and a new way of relating to clothing. She seeks to raise awareness to create less waste and boost recycling. It also takes advantage of technology, has an online store and home delivery.

The designer in her store has a wide variety of clothing and accessories, including American clothing, shirts, t-shirts, jackets, skirts, sweaters, pants, dresses and shoes. In addition, it offers customized products such as bags, fanny packs, jackets, scrunchies and hats, as well as a decoration and home section. She also has jewelry in her collection.

In Bilbao you always have the option of buying second-hand clothes, a trend that has gained strength thanks to the importance of sustainability and the circular economy, and the people who become aware of it every day and join the movement.

Many stores offer unique clothing and exclusive designs, in addition to providing employment to people in situations of social exclusion. Buying second-hand clothes is not only an economical option, but also a way to contribute to the care of the planet and promote sustainable fashion.